Listen to Mountain People’s new mix
I feel all my money have gone..........T_T 這是除了製作用原料外不容忽視的最燒錢用品就是這堆製模用品~實在耗得太快了😓! #Materialgame #molding #silicone #混凝美學
How hard to create a tiny art piece??
今天介紹一下我的創作團隊 : 矽膠,水泥,鏟子(明眼人應該知道這其實是畫油畫調色用的,是的,我把它給糟蹋了~) 每當製作一件作品,你也會遇到一些超乎你想像的問題,然後又要再想辦法解決,每次也感到十分折騰,但解決後的滿足則又是作為創作者最安慰的時刻呢~ ...
Hello everyone! This is Material Game by Little Gallery!
This is a concrete created products page. Besides showing you the products, I'm going to share my journal for exploring different...
Nice test result! Concrete + stones
#texture #concrete #stones #混凝美學 #物料控 #水泥 #Materialgame #molding