FREE accessories!
Hello everyone! I'm working on some concrete made products and I want to know how's my new created accessories look on people from different countries.
Anybody interest? If you're interest in it, just leave me message and I'll send you my product(necklace/bracelet) by mail for free. And please help taking a photo with my product and then post it on my fan page.
Preview accessories, please check:
P.S. Only have several pcs of dummy on hand, so I will try to select some faces (age around 15 to 35) from different countries(really hope if there were anybody help, please~)
有人願意幫忙嗎?有興趣的請留我訊息,我會將飾品(頸鍊 /手鐲)郵寄給你,只要將收到的飾品戴上並拍一張美美的照片post在我的專頁就可以了,飾品是完全的送了給你的,望笑納~有關產品資料,請查看上述的連結,謝謝~
P.S. 現在只可以安排數件dummy以供試戴,所以我會盡可能抽選一些不同國家的臉孔,年齡大概15至35(雖然也不知有沒有人有興趣,希望有吧~~)